Welcome to ABSI On-Line

Partners with Municipalities

A better choice for backflow testing management! ABSI offers a web based cross-connection tracking program for all the devices within your water system for very little cost. This will save you time, money, and allow you real time access to the database for administrative overview. We can also provide the ability to generate revenue to cover administration costs. After twenty years of experience in cross-connection, you will appreciate what ABSI has to offer.

Saving Municipalities and Taxpayers Money!

• ABSI On-Line offers a variety of programs to meet your budget needs.

• We also partner up with national accounts to manage all records and maintain compliance.


© Copyright American Backflow Solutions Inc., All rights reserved.
1540 N Old Rand Rd, Wauconda, IL 60084
Phone: 847-847-1625        Fax: 847-540-9954